Wednesday 19 March 2014

Battle of gate pa

Swimming sports

Swimming Recount Blog post

WALT: identify area of need from writing sample feedback and make a conscious effort to improve that area.

SC: Co-constructed
- paragraphs if a focus
- Punctuation that you don’t normally use
- similes and vocabulary that you don’t normally use - thesaurus
- Ideas - simple to complex. Lots of detail.

My focus is vocab and detail

Monday 18th march 2014

Today we have swimming sports everyone has to be in there full school uniform before they leave school grounds. All of rimu meets outside the hall and we start walking to memorial park. We walk across the road I felt like a balloon full of air waiting to pop and  I can’t wait till we get there. We have to walk down in pears my pear was neve we were the leaders for our class. Zoe and Sheridan were walking behind us and we all decided to start singing.

We arrive at the pools we walk in and get changed into our togs and sit on the stands outside. We sit there waiting for the teachers to call the first race. “Year 7 girls please go and line up behind the cones” Mr mossop said “Year 7 boys please go line up” Mr mossop said “Year 8 girls please line up” Mr mossop said I walk over to the cones with my friends Mr mossop puts us in even lines we move up to the diving board “On your marks get set go” Mr mossop shouted I dive into the water like a dolphin. I come up to the serfass and gasp for air. I move my arms like a win meal in and out of the water my hand hits the end of the pool. I finished but didn’t come anything. I hop out of the pool breathing in and out like it was my last breath. I walk over to Miss mills and give her my name and room number and then go to sit down on the stands.
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Thursday 13 March 2014

Sunday 9 March 2014


Friday 7th 2014

Today we got put in pairs and I was with zahra and we go given a song about crunchy bars and had to make a jingle about them.


Thursday 6th 2013

Today we practiced some chords on the piano and we got tested on how good we played them and how good we remembered the chords


Wednesday 5th 2014

Today we had to practice the chords on the ukulele and then we play five chords in front of the class


Tuesday 4th 2014
 For tech we are doing music today we learned six chords on the piano and six on ukulele we also learned six new chords on the guitar.


Monday 3 2014
 For tech we are doing music today we learned six chords on the piano  and six on the ucalaly. We used the different chords for the ukulele  to play a song.

Sunday 2 March 2014

45 min inquire Possums



Why don’t we want to see these animals on the NZ bush?

Because they are pest to new zealand and they ruin the environment and eat native plants.

What do I already know?
That they are pest to New zealand

What can you work out?
That the one on top is a baby and the other one is an adult

What do you need to know more about?
Why are they pest in new zealand?
How did they get to new zealand?

Why are possums pest to new zealand?
Because they ruin the environment and eat native plants